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KDAB TV – Kuesa 3D

These videos show Kuesa 3D, a complete design-to-code workflow solution for 3D in real-time applications, centered around the open glTF™ 2 3D format which is supported by applications like Blender, Maya, 3ds Max and others.

Kuesa 3D related tutorials and showcases

Do you need a lightweight Vulkan renderer for your industrial application? Do you need to be flexible without being bound to a specific framework? If so, watch this video to discover the power of Kuesa 3D.

Release announcement blog:

Music credits:
Music by Little Glass Men - The Meadow (CC BY) from
'The Age of Insignificance' Album
licencing information:

All KUESA 3D videos:

About the host: 
Timo Buske has his roots in the mobile gaming industry, working on several 3D engines and tools. He's the product manager of KUESA™ 3D.

About KDAB:
KDAB offers experienced software experts to help you deliver functional, high-performing, and innovative software across embedded, mobile, and desktop platforms for projects using C++, Qt, QML/Qt Quick, OpenGL, Qt 3D, and more.

KDAB experts regularly take time out to deliver KDAB’s world class training, in-house or at open enrollment courses around the world. We are the market leaders for training in Qt, OpenGL, and C++.

Contact us to find out more at or visit our website:

We are about 90 people, located all around the world. Our Head Office is in Sweden and we have other offices in Germany, France, the UK, and the USA.
What is Kuesa 3D 2.0?

Do you need a lightweight Vulkan renderer for your industrial application? Do you need to be flexible without being bound to a specific framework, then watch this video to discover the power of Kuesa 3D.

Release announcement blog:

Music credits:
Music by Little Glass Men - The Meadow (CC BY) from
'The Age of Insignificance' Album
licencing information:

All KUESA 3D videos:

About the host:
Timo Buske has his roots in the mobile gaming industry, working on several 3D engines and tools. He's the product manager of KUESA™ 3D.

About KDAB:
KDAB offers experienced software experts to help you deliver functional, high-performing, and innovative software across embedded, mobile, and desktop platforms for projects using C++, Qt, QML/Qt Quick, OpenGL, Qt 3D, and more.

KDAB experts regularly take time out to deliver KDAB’s world class training, in-house or at open enrollment courses around the world. We are the market leaders for training in Qt, OpenGL, and C++.

Contact us to find out more at or visit our website:

We are about 90 people, located all around the world. Our Head Office is in Sweden and we have other offices in Germany, France, the UK, and the USA.

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YouTube Video UEw2Q0pZbjQwZ042aFZkY1hIVHR6emx0bVN2WjZlRzU5MC43MTI1NDIwOTMwQjIxMzNG

What is Kuesa 3D 2.0?

As a developer, you often have to recreate new designs or design changes in your application. It not only takes a lot of time but it may not match what the designer had in mind in the first place.
Add to that any change to the 3D scene (3D model + animations) and the back and forth to update the application can become not only time consuming but also frustrating.

Thanks to Kuesa 3D this process is now greatly simplified as just pointing to the updated glTF file location in your code will show the 3D scene changes in your application.
Sounds too good to be true? Watch this video to find out how it works.

Looks great but you'd like to see some code for this:

Note that the animations and sound were recorded during a webinar. So, at times, they are not as smooth as they should have been.

All KUESA 3D videos:

About the hosts:
-  Paul Lemire is a long time Qt 3D contributor and 3D graphics enthusiast. He is handling the technical aspects related to KUESA™ 3D.
- Timo Buske has his roots in the mobile gaming industry, working on several 3D engines and tools. He's the product manager of KUESA™ 3D.
- Kirsi Sutherland provided the voice over for this video. She is a Scottish technical artist, photographer, programmer and UI designer. 

About KDAB:
KDAB offers experienced software experts to help you deliver functional, high-performing, and innovative software across embedded, mobile, and desktop platforms for projects using C++, Qt, QML/Qt Quick, OpenGL, Qt 3D, and more.

KDAB experts regularly take time out to deliver KDAB’s world class training, in-house or at open enrollment courses around the world. We are the market leaders for training in Qt, OpenGL, and C++.

Contact us to find out more at or visit our website:

We are about 90 people, located all around the world. Our Head Office is in Sweden and we have other offices in Germany, France, the UK, and the USA.
How to Quickly Change the 3D Scene in your Application with Kuesa 3D?

As a developer, you often have to recreate new designs or design changes in your application. It not only takes a lot of time but it may not match what the designer had in mind in the first place.
Add to that any change to the 3D scene (3D model + animations) and the back and forth to update the application can become not only time consuming but also frustrating.

Thanks to Kuesa 3D this process is now greatly simplified as just pointing to the updated glTF file location in your code will show the 3D scene changes in your application.
Sounds too good to be true? Watch this video to find out how it works.

Looks great but you'd like to see some code for this:

Note that the animations and sound were recorded during a webinar. So, at times, they are not as smooth as they should have been.

All KUESA 3D videos:

About the hosts:
- Paul Lemire is a long time Qt 3D contributor and 3D graphics enthusiast. He is handling the technical aspects related to KUESA™ 3D.
- Timo Buske has his roots in the mobile gaming industry, working on several 3D engines and tools. He's the product manager of KUESA™ 3D.
- Kirsi Sutherland provided the voice over for this video. She is a Scottish technical artist, photographer, programmer and UI designer.

About KDAB:
KDAB offers experienced software experts to help you deliver functional, high-performing, and innovative software across embedded, mobile, and desktop platforms for projects using C++, Qt, QML/Qt Quick, OpenGL, Qt 3D, and more.

KDAB experts regularly take time out to deliver KDAB’s world class training, in-house or at open enrollment courses around the world. We are the market leaders for training in Qt, OpenGL, and C++.

Contact us to find out more at or visit our website:

We are about 90 people, located all around the world. Our Head Office is in Sweden and we have other offices in Germany, France, the UK, and the USA.

10 0

YouTube Video UEw2Q0pZbjQwZ042aFZkY1hIVHR6emx0bVN2WjZlRzU5MC5DNzE1RjZEMUZCMjA0RDBB

How to Quickly Change the 3D Scene in your Application with Kuesa 3D?

This video is introducing "The Making of the Cluster Demo" series on the automotive cluster demo. It's made with Kuesa 2.0, a lightweight Vulkan-based renderer for industrial applications.

With it you can do all you need to implement an automotive cluster. The same application can even run both on desktop and on an embedded board. Watch the video to find out more.

Music credits:
Music by Little Glass Men - Logrthythm (CC BY) from
'The Age of Insignificance' Album
licencing information:

All KUESA 3D videos:

All of 'The Making of the Cluster Demo' videos:

About the host: 
Timo Buske has his roots in the mobile gaming industry, working on several 3D engines and tools. He's the product manager of KUESA™ 3D.

About KDAB:
KDAB offers experienced software experts to help you deliver functional, high-performing, and innovative software across embedded, mobile, and desktop platforms for projects using C++, Qt, QML/Qt Quick, OpenGL, Qt 3D, and more.

KDAB experts regularly take time out to deliver KDAB’s world class training, in-house or at open enrollment courses around the world. We are the market leaders for training in Qt, OpenGL, and C++.

Contact us to find out more at or visit our website:

We are about 90 people, located all around the world. Our Head Office is in Sweden and we have other offices in Germany, France, the UK, and the USA.
The Making of the Cluster Demo - Automotive Cluster Demo Running on i.MX8 with Kuesa 3D 2.0

This video is introducing "The Making of the Cluster Demo" series on the automotive cluster demo. It's made with Kuesa 2.0, a lightweight Vulkan-based renderer for industrial applications.

With it you can do all you need to implement an automotive cluster. The same application can even run both on desktop and on an embedded board. Watch the video to find out more.

Music credits:
Music by Little Glass Men - Logrthythm (CC BY) from
'The Age of Insignificance' Album
licencing information:

All KUESA 3D videos:

All of 'The Making of the Cluster Demo' videos:

About the host:
Timo Buske has his roots in the mobile gaming industry, working on several 3D engines and tools. He's the product manager of KUESA™ 3D.

About KDAB:
KDAB offers experienced software experts to help you deliver functional, high-performing, and innovative software across embedded, mobile, and desktop platforms for projects using C++, Qt, QML/Qt Quick, OpenGL, Qt 3D, and more.

KDAB experts regularly take time out to deliver KDAB’s world class training, in-house or at open enrollment courses around the world. We are the market leaders for training in Qt, OpenGL, and C++.

Contact us to find out more at or visit our website:

We are about 90 people, located all around the world. Our Head Office is in Sweden and we have other offices in Germany, France, the UK, and the USA.

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YouTube Video UEw2Q0pZbjQwZ042aFZkY1hIVHR6emx0bVN2WjZlRzU5MC44Mjc5REFBRUE2MTdFRDU0

The Making of the Cluster Demo - Automotive Cluster Demo Running on i.MX8 with Kuesa 3D 2.0

In this new series, Timo will show you how to create a Cluster demo using Kuesa 3D. 

This second video is showing you how to rig up the car (i.e. preparing it so animation, lighting... are easier to do).

Music credits:
Music by Little Glass Men - Logrthythm (CC BY) from
'The Age of Insignificance' Album
licencing information:

All KUESA 3D videos:

All of 'The Making of the Cluster Demo' videos:

About the host: 
Timo Buske has his roots in the mobile gaming industry, working on several 3D engines and tools. He's the product manager of KUESA™ 3D.

About KDAB:
KDAB offers experienced software experts to help you deliver functional, high-performing, and innovative software across embedded, mobile, and desktop platforms for projects using C++, Qt, QML/Qt Quick, OpenGL, Qt 3D, and more.

KDAB experts regularly take time out to deliver KDAB’s world class training, in-house or at open enrollment courses around the world. We are the market leaders for training in Qt, OpenGL, and C++.

Contact us to find out more at or visit our website:

We are about 90 people, located all around the world. Our Head Office is in Sweden and we have other offices in Germany, France, the UK, and the USA.
The Making of the Cluster Demo - Rigging up the Car

In this new series, Timo will show you how to create a Cluster demo using Kuesa 3D.

This second video is showing you how to rig up the car (i.e. preparing it so animation, lighting... are easier to do).

Music credits:
Music by Little Glass Men - Logrthythm (CC BY) from
'The Age of Insignificance' Album
licencing information:

All KUESA 3D videos:

All of 'The Making of the Cluster Demo' videos:

About the host:
Timo Buske has his roots in the mobile gaming industry, working on several 3D engines and tools. He's the product manager of KUESA™ 3D.

About KDAB:
KDAB offers experienced software experts to help you deliver functional, high-performing, and innovative software across embedded, mobile, and desktop platforms for projects using C++, Qt, QML/Qt Quick, OpenGL, Qt 3D, and more.

KDAB experts regularly take time out to deliver KDAB’s world class training, in-house or at open enrollment courses around the world. We are the market leaders for training in Qt, OpenGL, and C++.

Contact us to find out more at or visit our website:

We are about 90 people, located all around the world. Our Head Office is in Sweden and we have other offices in Germany, France, the UK, and the USA.

5 0

YouTube Video UEw2Q0pZbjQwZ042aFZkY1hIVHR6emx0bVN2WjZlRzU5MC5DMkU4NTY1QUFGQTYwMDE3

The Making of the Cluster Demo - Rigging up the Car

Handling the needs of different 3D models in the same application over the lifetime of your project can be time consuming. 
Watch this video to learn about an easier way to replace a 3D model with another one in the same code base. 

How to quickly change the 3D scene in your application with Kuesa:

All KUESA 3D videos:

About the host: 
Kirsi Sutherland provided the voice over for this video. She is a Scottish technical artist, photographer, programmer and UI designer. 

About KDAB:
KDAB offers experienced software experts to help you deliver functional, high-performing, and innovative software across embedded, mobile, and desktop platforms for projects using C++, Qt, QML/Qt Quick, OpenGL, Qt 3D, and more.

KDAB experts regularly take time out to deliver KDAB’s world class training, in-house or at open enrollment courses around the world. We are the market leaders for training in Qt, OpenGL, and C++.

Contact us to find out more at or visit our website:

We are about 90 people, located all around the world. Our Head Office is in Sweden and we have other offices in Germany, France, the UK, and the USA.
How to Replace a 3D Model without Modifying the Application

Handling the needs of different 3D models in the same application over the lifetime of your project can be time consuming.
Watch this video to learn about an easier way to replace a 3D model with another one in the same code base.

How to quickly change the 3D scene in your application with Kuesa:

All KUESA 3D videos:

About the host:
Kirsi Sutherland provided the voice over for this video. She is a Scottish technical artist, photographer, programmer and UI designer.

About KDAB:
KDAB offers experienced software experts to help you deliver functional, high-performing, and innovative software across embedded, mobile, and desktop platforms for projects using C++, Qt, QML/Qt Quick, OpenGL, Qt 3D, and more.

KDAB experts regularly take time out to deliver KDAB’s world class training, in-house or at open enrollment courses around the world. We are the market leaders for training in Qt, OpenGL, and C++.

Contact us to find out more at or visit our website:

We are about 90 people, located all around the world. Our Head Office is in Sweden and we have other offices in Germany, France, the UK, and the USA.

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YouTube Video UEw2Q0pZbjQwZ042aFZkY1hIVHR6emx0bVN2WjZlRzU5MC43NDhFRTgwOTRERTU4Rjg3

How to Replace a 3D Model without Modifying the Application

About Kuesa 3D Studio

Kuesa 3D Studio allows designers, using the tools they know and love, to realize and adjust their vision in real-time without loss of quality – easily iterating designs as needed. Kuesa 3D Studio gives developers a high level API letting them easily integrate the result into a software environment, with full code level access for adjusting all aspects of 3D content. Kuesa 3D Studio is available under license from KDAB for full deployment on all supported platforms. Read more about Kuesa 3D…

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