KDAB News is a monthly update for IT professionals using Qt, C++ and 3D technologies like OpenGL, Vulkan, etc. In this news program we cover current issues, talking points, new releases as well as glimpses of what might be coming down the pipeline. Check it out to get an instant overview of current software development trends.
KDAB News 03/2024 - Servo with Qt; Qt 6.7; Hotspot 1.5; Embedded World Impressions; Oxidize and more
KDAB News 02/2024 - KDE Plasma 6 Release; KDAB at EWN24, New codebrowser Libraries; Oxidize and more
KDAB News 01/2024 - Cyber Resilience Act; Mixing C++ and Rust; Jesper Awarded Qt Champion and more
KDAB News 10/2023 - KDDockWidgets 2.0; Mixing C++ and Rust; New KDAB Whitepaper and more
KDAB News 09/2023 - Qt World Summit 2023 Interviews; Cxx-Qt 0.6 Release and more
KDAB News 08/2023 - Interview "Why Rust?"; Heaptrack 1.5; KDAB Training Day; QPointer and more