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KDAB’s Partners

At KDAB we believe in doing business collaboratively and focusing on our core strength: technical expertise in Qt, C++ and OpenGL that is second to none in the world. In order to help our customers be successful broadly, we partner with a variety of companies who share our values and are equally committed to excellence.

The Qt Company

As the first partner of Trolltech, the original creators of Qt, we’ve always collaborated very closely with the stewards of Qt, be that Nokia, Digia or now The Qt Company. Our personal relationships with the Qt team go back to the late nineties of the previous century. We contribute greatly to Qt development, are the originators of Qt 3D and maintain several Qt modules, including that one. Having co-organized the earlier Qt Developer Days, KDAB continues to offer a KDAB Training Day at the subsequent Qt World Summits in Europe. KDAB also serves as a reseller for Qt commercial licenses.


Toradex is a leading vendor of ARM based Computer on Modules(COM) / System on Modules(SOM) that can be used for diverse embedded applications. We use their products in our embedded trainings and help their customers with all things Qt, particularly on embedded Windows platforms.


QNX Software Systems Limited, a subsidiary of BlackBerry Limited, is a leading provider of operating systems, middleware, development tools, and professional services for connected embedded systems. Global leaders such as Audi, Siemens, General Electric, Cisco, and Lockheed Martin depend on QNX technology for their in-car electronics, medical devices, industrial automation systems, network routers, and other mission- or life-critical applications.

KDAB worked closely with QNX and BlackBerry to bring Qt to their operating systems and products for several years. Their customers frequently call on KDAB to help with platform migrations and application level and UI challenges. Jointly KDAB and QNX are ensuring that Qt remains fully supported and has optimal performance on QNX.

Global Display Engineering

Our source of TFT displays, Global Display Engineering have partnered with KDAB to enable their RipDraw content creation toolchain to support Qt and QtQuick/QML.

Badger Systems

Based in Cologne, Germany, Badger Systems is an independent software developer and IT specialist for guidance, consultation and development of complex software challenges, also in cloud development and machine learning. As a long standing, trusted partner they complement KDAB’s services in these areas. Badger Systems also acts as a sales partner for KDAB’s trainings and advanced Qt courses.


tQCS delivers professional services and solutions to make the finest embedded system for customers from INDUSTRIAL, MEDICAL, DEFENSE and AUTOMOTIVE industries in Asia-Pacific region thru leading open-source based software and hardware technologies with KDAB, including Qt and Flutter.


tESCC is a wholly owned subsidiary of tQCS established in Singapore for the purpose of providing professional-grade services and licensed softwares such as Kuesa for 3D Studio.


Since 2000, SRA has been contributing to the spread of Qt in Japan by supporting the introduction of Qt to Japan customers in various fields such as automotive, medical, industrial equipment, semiconductors, and defense by utilizing its wealth of Qt know-how and experience.

With a team of Qt professionals, they provide a one-stop service that includes advice on licensing (commercial/LGPL), training, commissioned development, consulting (performance improvement, troubleshooting, porting qt to target and so on).

They also provide a wide range of solutions for quality and productivity, such as static and dynamic analysis and GUI test automation, that are required in actual development projects using Qt.

In addition, KDAB’s services and products are provided to Japanese customers through a partnership with SRA.

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