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KDAB TV – Qt Embedded Days 2021

This playlist features all recorded talks from Qt Embedded Days 2021. You find the complete list of speakers here

Since almost all embedded devices interact with the physical world, the reoccurring problem is how to deal with the various values from the physical world. One sensor may measure the current in milliamperes, while another may measure it in microamperes. There are also different measurement systems, such as metric and imperial (e.g. gallons and litres, metres and yards, etc.), but there are also units that overlap with others (e.g. litres and metres cubed, Kelvin and Celsius). Even worse, we must ensure that all arithmetic operations with physical values must be valid (e.g. we can’t add Volts and Kelvins, but we can multiply them). Thankfully, modern C++ offers a lot of built-in language functionalities to make this job easy, transparent and surprisingly optimal in the run time.

This work was motivated by a past project in which many subtle bugs were caused by inconsistent treatment of measured values.

You will learn:
– how we can use SI system of units for our benefit
– the typical requirements and constraints on the real embedded projects concerning the physical units
– which features from modern C++ are useful for this job
– the difference between absolute and relative values
– how to write your own implementation
– how to make the refactored code readable and succinct

0:00 Introduction
1:04 Beginning of Talk
37:02 Q&A Session

The slides of the talk can be found here

About the speaker

Nikola Jelić, Embedded Software Architect in Zuehlke from 2016.

Nikola graduated in Computer Science at Faculty of Mathematics in Belgrade, Serbia. He has 11+ years of embedded development experience focused mostly on Linux, C++ and real-time systems. Nikola prefers functional paradigm to all others, but is pragmatic about it.
Qt Embedded Days - Dealing with Physical Units in Modern C++, by Nikola Jelić

Since almost all embedded devices interact with the physical world, the reoccurring problem is how to deal with the various values from the physical world. One sensor may measure the current in milliamperes, while another may measure it in microamperes. There are also different measurement systems, such as metric and imperial (e.g. gallons and litres, metres and yards, etc.), but there are also units that overlap with others (e.g. litres and metres cubed, Kelvin and Celsius). Even worse, we must ensure that all arithmetic operations with physical values must be valid (e.g. we can’t add Volts and Kelvins, but we can multiply them). Thankfully, modern C++ offers a lot of built-in language functionalities to make this job easy, transparent and surprisingly optimal in the run time.

This work was motivated by a past project where many subtle bugs were caused by inconsistent treatment of measured values.

You will learn:
– How can we use SI system of units for our benefit
– What are the typical requirements and constraints on the real embedded projects concerning the physical units
– Which features from modern C++ are useful for this job
– What’s the difference between absolute and relative values
– How to write your own implementation
– How to make the refactored code readable and succinct

0:00 Introduction
1:04 Beginning of Talk
37:02 Q&A Session

The slides of the talk can be found here

About the speaker

Nikola Jelić, Embedded Software Architect in Zuehlke from 2016.

Graduated in Computer Science at Faculty of Mathematics in Belgrade, Serbia. 11+ years of embedded development experience mostly focused on Linux, C++ and real-time systems. I prefer functional paradigm to all others, but I’m pragmatic about it.

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Qt Embedded Days - Dealing with Physical Units in Modern C++, by Nikola Jelić

Embedded systems are often setups that combine a general purpose computer with a domain specific device, attached via a standard bus or network connection. In such setups, the main computer is usually monitoring and controlling the overall system functionality, essentially “steering” the specialized device.

Similar to the situation with airplanes, it is not always possible, and sometimes not even desired, to have the pilot train and/or test with the real thing. This talk is a case study around a joint project of Data Modul's and KDAB's, for which we built tooling that simulates the project’s CAN-Bus attached hardware.

What were the driving factors for having a simulator?
Which architecture and technologies were chosen for its implementation?
How does it hold up in practice?
Any lessons for future projects?

00:00 Introduction
01:02 Beginning of Talk
31:15 Q&A

The slides of the talk can be downloaded here

About the speakers

Alexander Trica is Head of PCAP Touch and Embedded ARM Development at DATA MODUL.

As Head of PCAP Touch and Embedded ARM Development at DATA MODUL, Alexander Trica has a strong hardware and (lower level) software background in the field of industrial human machine interfaces.

As a regular speaker at the Electronic Displays Conference in the past years, he highlighted new PCAP Touch extensions like haptic feedback, force recognition, or even capacitive 3D gesture control. Application software development based on Qt and C++ is the newest endeavor within the Embedded ARM Team of Data Modul, but a logical step to offer full service in the field of Embedded HMIs.

Kevin Krammer, Senior Software Engineer at KDAB, is a contributor to Qt and KDE.

As a Senior Qt Trainer at KDAB, he has experience with a lot of different use cases of Qt across industries, and explores technologies and techniques around Qt beyond the confines of specific project scopes.

Kevin holds a BSc in Software Engineering.
Qt Embedded Days - Simulator Training for Hardware Pilots / simulating CAN-Bus attached hardware


Embedded systems are often setups that combine a general purpose computer with a domain specific device attached via a standard bus or network connection. In such setups, the main computer is usually monitoring and controlling the overall system functionality, essentially “steering” the specialized device.

Similar to the situation with airplanes it is not always possible, and sometimes even not desired, to have the pilot train and/or test with the real thing. This talk is a case study around a joined project of Data Modul and KDAB for which we built tooling simulating the project’s CAN-Bus attached hardware.

What were the driving factors for having a simulator?
Which architecture and technologies were chosen for its implementation?
How does it hold up in practice?
Any lessons for future projects?

00:00 Introduction
01:02 Beginning of Talk
31:15 Q&A

The slides of the talk can be downloaded here

About the speakers

Alex Trica Data ModulAlexander Trica, Head of PCAP Touch and Embedded ARM Development at DATA MODUL.

As Head of PCAP Touch and Embedded ARM Development at DATA MODUL Alexander Trica has a strong Hardware and (lower level) Software background in the field of industrial human machine interfaces.

As a regular speaker at the Electronic Displays Conference in the past years, he highlighted new PCAP Touch extensions like haptic feedback, force recognition, or even capacitive 3D gesture control. Application software development based on Qt and C++ is the newest endeavor within the Embedded ARM Team of Data Modul but a logical step to offer full service in the field of Embedded HMIs.

Kevin Krammer KDABKevin Krammer, Senior Software Engineer at KDAB, a contributor to Qt and KDE.

As a Senior Qt Trainer at KDAB, he has experience with a lot of different use cases of Qt across industries and explores technologies and techniques around Qt beyond the confines of specific project scopes.

Kevin holds a BSc in Software Engineering.

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YouTube Video UEw2Q0pZbjQwZ042aEFoZ0s0T2RCU0N5LUlIdnNpTWUwMi41MjE1MkI0OTQ2QzJGNzNG

Qt Embedded Days - Simulator Training for Hardware Pilots / simulating CAN-Bus attached hardware

Qt Embedded Days - The easiest way to develop and build a modern UI for Raspberry Pi

When a device fails in the field, the consequences can be significant. In our talks with embedded OEMs, one thing is for certain: addressing a problem in the field is costly. Anticipating and preventing field failures enables market leaders to invest in innovation, rather than costly resource-draining diagnosis, repair, and redesign. Typically, these costs detract from new product development, impacting time-to-market.

In this presentation, we’ll discuss different levels of reliability. We’ll also examine methods for achieving long-term reliability, ensuring that a well-tested data storage system contributes to preventing field failures while increasing the lifetime of an embedded device.

00:00 Introduction
01:15 Beginning of Talk
40:18 Q&A

About the speaker
Sami Kassimäki is a flash memory and embedded data storage specialist in charge of building and developing the service business unit of Tuxera as a Product Manager.
Working closely with flash memory manufacturers and OEMs in different industries, Sami focuses on understanding the storage needs of the future and the implications from a business perspective.

Slides & Whitepaper
View the slides for this presentation and corresponding whitepaper here:

About KDAB:
KDAB offers experienced software experts to help you deliver functional, high-performing and innovative software across embedded, mobile and desktop platforms for projects using C++, Qt, QML/Qt Quick, OpenGL, Qt 3D and more.

KDAB experts regularly take time out to deliver KDAB’s world class training, in-house or at open enrollment courses around the world. We are the market leaders for training in Qt, OpenGL and C++.
Contact us to find out more at or visit our website:

We are about 90 people, located all around the world. Our Head Office is in Sweden and we have other offices in Germany, France, the UK and the USA.
Qt Embedded Days - What Does Reliability Mean To You? by Sami Kassimäki, Tuxera

When a device fails in the field, the consequences can be significant. In our talks with embedded OEMs, one thing is for certain: addressing a problem in the field is costly. Anticipating and preventing field failures enables market leaders to invest in innovation, rather than costly resource-draining diagnosis, repair, and redesign. Typically, these costs detract from new product development, impacting time-to-market.

In this presentation, we’ll discuss different levels of reliability. We’ll also examine methods for achieving long-term reliability, ensuring that a well-tested data storage system contributes to preventing field failures while increasing the lifetime of an embedded device.

00:00 Introduction
01:15 Beginning of Talk
40:18 Q&A

About the speaker
Sami Kassimäki is a flash memory and embedded data storage specialist in charge of building and developing the service business unit of Tuxera as a Product Manager.
Working closely with flash memory manufacturers and OEMs in different industries, Sami focuses on understanding the storage needs of the future and the implications from a business perspective.

Slides & Whitepaper
View the slides for this presentation and corresponding whitepaper here:

About KDAB:
KDAB offers experienced software experts to help you deliver functional, high-performing and innovative software across embedded, mobile and desktop platforms for projects using C++, Qt, QML/Qt Quick, OpenGL, Qt 3D and more.

KDAB experts regularly take time out to deliver KDAB’s world class training, in-house or at open enrollment courses around the world. We are the market leaders for training in Qt, OpenGL and C++.
Contact us to find out more at or visit our website:

We are about 90 people, located all around the world. Our Head Office is in Sweden and we have other offices in Germany, France, the UK and the USA.

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YouTube Video UEw2Q0pZbjQwZ042aEFoZ0s0T2RCU0N5LUlIdnNpTWUwMi41MzJCQjBCNDIyRkJDN0VD

Qt Embedded Days - What Does Reliability Mean To You? by Sami Kassimäki, Tuxera

When we develop a Qt application for an embedded system, we edit code in Qt Creator running on a desktop computer, press the Run button, and have Qt Creator run the application on the embedded device – many times per day. We also want to switch between desktop and embedded builds without restarting Qt Creator. We perform the many tiny TDD steps on the desktop computer and inspect our work from time to time on the embedded device.

00:00​ Introduction
00:44​ The 5 Minute Challenge
22:37 CMake Toolchain Files
31:03 Qt Qreator Configuration Files
39:36​ Q&A

I have spent many hours on several occasions trying to “convince” QtCreator and CMake to work together seamlessly. QtCreator and CMake are pretty good at producing a never-ending stream of problems. Installing the executables and libraries on the device fails. The detection of the C and C++ compilers fails. QtCreator refuses to update its project configuration with modified CMake settings. The CMake toolchain file is buggy or missing. QtCreator forgets some, but not all, run and deployment settings.

With minimum user input, the installer of the commercial Boot2Qt SDK creates the CMake toolchain files and the configuration files for a QtCreator kit. QtCreator auto-detects the kit when restarted. Cross-compilation, deployment, and execution of Qt applications for an embedded device work out of the box. We want the same smooth setup experience with non-commercial Qt SDKs, too!

Non-commercial Qt SDKs lack the CMake toolchain file that does not depend on the environment variables of a Yocto SDK. This toolchain file is required for switching between desktop and embedded builds without restarting QtCreator. I’ll provide a script that generates the missing CMake toolchain file.

Non-commercial Qt SDKs also lack the QtCreator configuration files for the kit, Qt version, C/C++ compilers, CMake configuration, and device. Boot2Qt comes with a script that generates these configuration files using the undocumented QtCreator utility sdktool. As the script is distributed under GPLv3, we can modify and use it. I’ll extend the script to generate the correct configuration files.

I use the scripts to set up QtCreator for cross-compilation with CMake and for deploying and running a Qt application on a Toradex Verdin i.MX8M Mini board. When I press the Run button in QtCreator, some magic will happen!

About the speaker
Burkhard Stubert, Solo Consultant for Qt Embedded Systems

As a solo consultant, Burkhard helps companies succeed with Qt embedded systems. His major products include the infotainment system for a US car OEM, the driver terminal of the ROPA sugar beet harvesters and the driver terminal of the Krone forage harvesters.

Many customers ask Burkhard to support them with their first in-house development of a Qt embedded system. Based on 25 years of experience, he can select suitable hardware, build custom-Linux systems with Yocto and create long-lived system architectures. He improves the development processes of the teams he works with. Burkhard is an outspoken proponent of using Qt under LGPLv3 and knows how to ensure FOSS license compliance of Qt embedded systems.

Burkhard worked and lived in India, England and Norway and moved back to his native country, Germany, a couple of years ago. In his spare time, he is hiking, biking, and skiing through the Bavarian Alpes.

View the slides for this presentation here:

About KDAB:
KDAB offers experienced software experts to help you deliver functional, high-performing and innovative software across embedded, mobile and desktop platforms for projects using C++, Qt, QML/Qt Quick, OpenGL, Qt 3D and more.

KDAB experts regularly take time out to deliver KDAB’s world class training, in-house or at open enrollment courses around the world. We are the market leaders for training in Qt, OpenGL and C++.
Contact us to find out more at or visit our website:

We are about 90 people, located all around the world. Our Head Office is in Sweden and we have other offices in Germany, France, the UK and the USA.
Qt Embedded Days - How to Set Up QtCreator for Cross-Compilation with CMake in 5 Minutes

When we develop a Qt application for an embedded system, we edit code in QtCreator running on a desktop computer, press the Run button, and have QtCreator run the application on the embedded device – many times per day. We also want to switch between desktop and embedded builds without restarting QtCreator. We perform the many tiny TDD steps on the desktop computer and inspect our work from time to time on the embedded device.

00:00​ Introduction
00:44​ The 5 Minute Challenge
22:37 CMake Toolchain Files
31:03 Qt Qreator Configuration Files
39:36​ Q&A

I have spent many hours on several occasions to “convince” QtCreator and CMake to work together seamlessly. QtCreator and CMake are pretty good at producing a never-ending stream of problems. Installing the executables and libraries on the device fails. The detection of the C and C++ compilers fails. QtCreator refuses to update its project configuration with modified CMake settings. The CMake toolchain file is buggy or missing. QtCreator forgets some but not all run and deployment settings.

With minimum user input, the installer of the commercial Boot2Qt SDK creates the CMake toolchain files and the configuration files for a QtCreator kit. QtCreator auto-detects the kit when restarted. Cross-compilation, deployment, and execution of Qt applications for an embedded device work out of the box. We want the same smooth setup experience with non-commercial Qt SDKs, too!

Non-commercial Qt SDKs lack the CMake toolchain file that does not depend on the environment variables of a Yocto SDK. This toolchain file is required for switching between desktop and embedded builds without restarting QtCreator. I’ll provide a script that generates the missing CMake toolchain file.

Non-commercial Qt SDKs also lack the QtCreator configuration files for the kit, Qt version, C/C++ compilers, CMake configuration, and device. Boot2Qt comes with a script that generates these configuration files using the undocumented QtCreator utility sdktool. As the script is distributed under GPLv3, we can modify and use it. I’ll extend the script to generate the correct configuration files.

I use the scripts to set up QtCreator for cross-compilation with CMake and for deploying and running a Qt application on a Toradex Verdin i.MX8M Mini board. When I press the Run button in QtCreator, some magic will happen!

About the speaker
Burkhard StubertBurkhard Stubert, Solo Consultant for Qt Embedded Systems

As a solo consultant, Burkhard helps companies succeed with Qt embedded systems. His major products include the infotainment system for a US car OEM, the driver terminal of the ROPA sugar beet harvesters and the driver terminal of the Krone forage harvesters.

Many customers ask Burkhard to support them with their first in-house development of a Qt embedded system. Based on 25 years of experience, he can select suitable hardware, build custom-Linux systems with Yocto and create long-lived system architectures. He improves the development processes of the teams he works with. Burkhard is an outspoken proponent of using Qt under LGPLv3 and knows how to ensure FOSS license compliance of Qt embedded systems.

Burkhard worked and lived in India, England and Norway and moved back to his native country, Germany, a couple of years ago. In his spare time, he is hiking, biking, and skiing through the Bavarian Alpes.

View the slides for this presentation here:

About KDAB:
KDAB offers experienced software experts to help you deliver functional, high-performing and innovative software across embedded, mobile and desktop platforms for projects using C++, Qt, QML/Qt Quick, OpenGL, Qt 3D and more.

KDAB experts regularly take time out to deliver KDAB’s world class training, in-house or at open enrollment courses around the world. We are the market leaders for training in Qt, OpenGL and C++.
Contact us to find out more at or visit our website:

We are about 90 people, located all around the world. Our Head Office is in Sweden and we have other offices in Germany, France, the UK and the USA.

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YouTube Video UEw2Q0pZbjQwZ042aEFoZ0s0T2RCU0N5LUlIdnNpTWUwMi5DQUNERDQ2NkIzRUQxNTY1

Qt Embedded Days - How to Set Up QtCreator for Cross-Compilation with CMake in 5 Minutes

Containers are a well-established technology for server and cloud development, but could they also be used for embedded devices? What challenges do developers face trying to run a rich graphical interface from a “sandboxed” container?

In this session, we will see the benefit of container usage on devices and how to dig the right holes in your sandbox to have first-class graphical applications running using this model.

00:00 Introduction
00:07 Beginning of Talk
40:13 Q&A

About the speaker
Valter Minute ToradexValter Minute, Sr. Software Engineer, Toradex

Located in Switzerland, Valter has been working on embedded devices for several years and was a Microsoft MVP for over 10 years. He develops drivers and BSP but also likes to experiment on the Internet of Things. He is a trainer and has also given multiple technical talks about IoT, he has even authored a book on the Raspberry Pi.


About KDAB:
KDAB offers experienced software experts to help you deliver functional, high-performing and innovative software across embedded, mobile and desktop platforms for projects using C++, Qt, QML/Qt Quick, OpenGL, Qt 3D and more.

KDAB experts regularly take time out to deliver KDAB’s world class training, in-house or at open enrollment courses around the world. We are the market leaders for training in Qt, OpenGL and C++.

Contact us to find out more at or visit our website:

We are about 90 people, located all around the world. Our Head Office is in Sweden and we have other offices in Germany, France, the UK and the USA.
Qt Embedded Days - Containerize your Qt embedded application by Valter Minute, Toradex

Containers are a well-established technology for server and cloud development, but could they be used also for embedded devices? What challenges do developers face trying to run a rich graphical interface from a “sandboxed” container?

In this session, we will see the benefit of container usage on devices and how to dig the right holes in your sandbox to have first-class graphical applications running using this model.

00:00 Introduction
00:07 Beginning of Talk
40:13 Q&A

About the speaker
Valter Minute ToradexValter Minute, Sr. Software Engineer, Toradex

Located in Switzerland, Valter has been working on embedded devices for several years and was a Microsoft MVP for over 10 years. He develops drivers and BSP but also likes to experiment on the Internet of Things. He is a trainer and has also given multiple technical talks about IoT, he has even authored a book on the Raspberry Pi.


About KDAB:
KDAB offers experienced software experts to help you deliver functional, high-performing and innovative software across embedded, mobile and desktop platforms for projects using C++, Qt, QML/Qt Quick, OpenGL, Qt 3D and more.

KDAB experts regularly take time out to deliver KDAB’s world class training, in-house or at open enrollment courses around the world. We are the market leaders for training in Qt, OpenGL and C++.

Contact us to find out more at or visit our website:

We are about 90 people, located all around the world. Our Head Office is in Sweden and we have other offices in Germany, France, the UK and the USA.

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Qt Embedded Days - Containerize your Qt embedded application by Valter Minute, Toradex

There’s an ever increasing amount of computing power available in embedded devices. With technology as powerful as Qt at hand, development teams around the globe are making good use of this power, creating beautiful and intuitive graphical user interfaces (GUIs) which expose a lot of functionality.

However, this brings new challenges: to stay competitive and meet customer demand, you need to make sure that the user interface actually looks and behaves as intended.

In this talk, we will present a proven approach to creating fully automated, robust, and maintainable GUI tests for Qt applications running on embedded devices. An ARM iMX6 based device running a Qt-based GUI will be used to demonstrate how the Squish GUI Tester tool can be used to develop automated GUI tests. A few test cases will be created live and we will demonstrate how the novel Remote Control and Remote System functionalities can be used to interact with target devices that are not in the same physical location as your test development setup.

About the speaker
Tomasz Pawlowski FroglogicTomasz Pawlowski started his adventure with Squish and GUI testing in 2011, designing and implementing automated tests for a Flight Planning solution. In 2014 he joined froglogic and has been conducting Squish trainings and consulting for many companies in Europe, India, and in the US.

Additionally, he works on maintaining Squish integrations. Tomasz has a Master’s degree in computer science.

About KDAB:

KDAB offers experienced software experts to help you deliver functional, high-performing and innovative software across embedded, mobile and desktop platforms for projects using C++, Qt, QML/Qt Quick, OpenGL, Qt 3D and more.

KDAB experts regularly take time out to deliver KDAB’s world class training, in-house or at open enrollment courses around the world. We are the market leaders for training in Qt, OpenGL and C++.

Contact us to find out more at or visit our website:

We are about 90 people, located all around the world. Our Head Office is in Sweden and we have other offices in Germany, France, the UK and the USA.
Qt Embedded Days - Creating Automated GUI Tests for Embedded Applications by Tomasz Pawlowski

There’s an ever increasing amount of computing power available in embedded devices. With technology as powerful as Qt at hand, development teams around the globe are making good use of this power, creating beautiful and intuitive graphical user interfaces (GUIs) which expose a lot of functionality.

However, this brings new challenges: to stay competitive and meet customer demand, you need to make sure that the user interface actually looks and behaves as intended.

In this talk, we will present a proven approach to creating fully automated, robust, and maintainable GUI tests for Qt applications running on embedded devices. An ARM iMX6 based device running a Qt-based GUI will be used to demonstrate how the Squish GUI Tester tool can be used to develop automated GUI tests. A few test cases will be created live and we will demonstrate how the novel Remote Control and Remote System functionalities can be used to interact with target devices that are not in the same physical location as your test development setup.

About the speaker
Tomasz Pawlowski FroglogicTomasz Pawlowski started his adventure with Squish and GUI testing in 2011, designing and implementing automated tests for a Flight Planning solution. In 2014 he joined froglogic and has been conducting Squish trainings and consulting for many companies in Europe, India, and in the US.

Additionally, he works on maintaining Squish integrations. Tomasz has a Master’s degree in computer science.

About KDAB:

KDAB offers experienced software experts to help you deliver functional, high-performing and innovative software across embedded, mobile and desktop platforms for projects using C++, Qt, QML/Qt Quick, OpenGL, Qt 3D and more.

KDAB experts regularly take time out to deliver KDAB’s world class training, in-house or at open enrollment courses around the world. We are the market leaders for training in Qt, OpenGL and C++.

Contact us to find out more at or visit our website:

We are about 90 people, located all around the world. Our Head Office is in Sweden and we have other offices in Germany, France, the UK and the USA.

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YouTube Video UEw2Q0pZbjQwZ042aEFoZ0s0T2RCU0N5LUlIdnNpTWUwMi40NzZCMERDMjVEN0RFRThB

Qt Embedded Days - Creating Automated GUI Tests for Embedded Applications by Tomasz Pawlowski

Development in the web world is progressing at lightning speed. It feels like a new JavaScript framework is released every day. With this enormous mass of new ideas, there are certainly features that you would like to use in embedded development.

So why not get inspired and tailor ideas to your own needs?

This talk presents how to take this step using the Flux architecture pattern as an example.

About the speaker:
Marius Meisenzahl is managing partner of Semasquare GmbH, a company based in Bochum that develops HMIs and web applications for its customers.

He deals with the implementation of scalable architectures from embedded systems to cloud platforms.

In his spare time, he contributes to the development of the open source operating system elementary OS and other Linux-related open source projects.

About KDAB:
KDAB offers experienced software experts to help you deliver functional, high-performing and innovative software across embedded, mobile, and desktop platforms for projects using C++, Qt, QML/Qt Quick, OpenGL, Qt 3D, and more.

KDAB experts regularly take time out to deliver KDAB’s world class training, in-house or at open enrollment courses around the world. We are the market leaders for training in Qt, OpenGL and C++.

Contact us to find out more at or visit our website:

We are about 90 people, located all around the world. Our Head Office is in Sweden and we have other offices in Germany, France, the UK and the USA.
Qt Embedded Days - Get inspired by web development: A story based on the example of the Flux pattern

Development in the web world is progressing at lightning speed. It feels like a new JavaScript framework is released every day. With this enormous mass of new ideas, there are certainly features that you would like to use in embedded development.

So why not get inspired and tailor ideas to your own needs?

This talk presents how to take this step using the Flux architecture pattern as an example.

About the speaker
Marius Meisenzahl, managing partner of semasquare GmbH, a company based in Bochum that develops HMIs and web applications for its customers.

He deals with the implementation of scalable architectures from embedded systems to cloud platforms.

In his spare time, he contributes to the development of the open source operating system elementary OS and other Linux related open source projects.

About KDAB
KDAB offers experienced software experts to help you deliver functional, high-performing and innovative software across embedded, mobile and desktop platforms for projects using C++, Qt, QML/Qt Quick, OpenGL, Qt 3D and more.

KDAB experts regularly take time out to deliver KDAB’s world class training, in-house or at open enrollment courses around the world. We are the market leaders for training in Qt, OpenGL and C++.

Contact us to find out more at or visit our website:

We are about 90 people, located all around the world. Our Head Office is in Sweden and we have other offices in Germany, France, the UK and the USA.

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Qt Embedded Days - Get inspired by web development: A story based on the example of the Flux pattern

In the embedded industry, a vast majority of software development is done in C. Even in 2021, C++’s usage is still a distant second. It’s worth asking: why is that? Does C++ not provide the right tools to the embedded developers? Do these tools come at an unacceptable price? How much truth is there in the “usual” comments about C++’s complexity?

This talk aims to discuss how C++ is, in fact, a great language for embedded development. C++ isn’t merely a “superset of C”; it also features a stricter type system, deterministic and automatic release of resources, true support for generic programming, as well as other facilities that can actually drastically improve a C++ program’s performance (over an equivalent written in C).

I know, now you’re probably thinking;

“What’s the catch? If it’s so good, why aren’t we using it already everywhere?” or “Sure, that all sounds nice and easy, but that’s only because _you_ are already proficient in C++! Try reading through these 2000 lines of error message…” or even “Linus says C++ is bad, who are you to disagree with him? Where’s _your_ kernel?” If so, this talk is for you.

While learning how C++ can be incredibly useful for embedded software, we will try to demystify (some of) the “myths” about C++. Sure enough, many legends have a grain of truth; but in science and technology, sometimes legends spiral out of control and eventually become self-fulfilling prophecies. We will tame these stories and showcase actual code that, hopefully, will demonstrate how C++ can serve C developers just fine, and make them create more robust and more efficient software.

You can download the slides of the talk here

About the speaker

Giuseppe D'Angelo KDABGiuseppe is an Approver of the Qt Project and a Senior Software Engineer at KDAB. He is a long time contributor to Qt, having used Qt and C++ since 2000. His contributions in Qt range from containers and regular expressions to GUI, Widgets and OpenGL. A free software passionate and UNIX specialist, before joining KDAB, Giuseppe organized conferences on open source around Italy. He holds a BSc in Computer Science.
Qt Embedded Days - Demystifying C++ for C embedded developers

In the embedded industry the huge majority of software development is done in C. Even in 2021, C++’s usage is still a second distant. It’s worth asking: why is that? Does C++ not provide the right tools to the embedded developers? Do these tools come at an unacceptable price? How much truth there is in the “usual” comments about C++’s complexity?

This talk wants to discuss how C++ is, in fact, a great language for embedded development. C++ isn’t merely a “superset of C”; it also features a stricter type system, deterministic and automatic release of resources, true support for generic programming, as well as other facilities that can actually drastically improve a C++ program’s performances (over an equivalent written in C).

I know, now you’re probably thinking;

“What’s the catch? If it’s so good, why aren’t we using it already everywhere?” or “Sure, that all sounds nice and easy, but that’s only because _you_ are already proficient in C++! Try reading through these 2000 lines of error message…” or even “Linus says C++ is bad, who are you to disagree with him? Where’s _your_ kernel?”. Then, this talk is for you.

While learning how C++ can be incredibly useful for embedded software, we will try to demystify (some of) the “myths” about C++. Sure enough, many legends have a grain of truth; but in science and technology, sometimes legends spiral out of control, and eventually become self-fulfilling prophecies. We will tame these stories, and showcase actual code that hopefully will demonstrate how C++ can serve C developers just fine, and make them create more robust and more efficient software.

You can download the slides of the talk here

About the speaker

Giuseppe D'Angelo KDABGiuseppe is an Approver of the Qt Project and a Senior Software Engineer at KDAB. He is a long time contributor to Qt, having used Qt and C++ since 2000. His contributions in Qt range from containers and regular expressions to GUI, Widgets and OpenGL. A free software passionate and UNIX specialist, before joining KDAB, Giuseppe organized conferences on open source around Italy. He holds a BSc in Computer Science.

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Qt Embedded Days - Demystifying C++ for C embedded developers