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December ’20 – monthly digest


Qt 6.0 Released

by Lars Knoll

The much-awaited Qt 6 was launched this month. We’ll be letting you know about the many contributions KDAB made to help make that happen – starting with changes to Qt 3D you can find out about below. Meantime, as Lars says “Qt 6.0 is the first release of the Qt 6 series addressing new market demands while keeping the core values at the heart of what we do.”

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Qt 3D Renderer changes and improvements in Qt 6

by Paul Lemire

From new performance optimizations in the backend to new decoupled rendering plugins, Qt 3D is ready for the next major Qt release.

Read all about it in Paul’s blog…

Qt 3D changes in Qt 6, interview

Published after our last month’s newsletter, we didn’t want you to miss out on the insights from KDAB’s Qt 3D maintainer, Mike Krus on the Qt 3D changes in Qt 6.

Click here to view it in KDAB News.



Full Stack Tracing – Part 3

by Milian Wolff

At this point, we’re going to assume that you’ve already captured a trace file for the problem you’re examining as a common trace format (CTF) file, a structured binary file format that LTTng natively generates. What do you do with this file?

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How to build Qt with the Address Sanitizer on Windows

by Alessandro Ambrosano

Some time ago, I wrote about how to build C++ projects with ASAN on Windows. Now, if you happen to deal with Qt projects you may want to take this one step further and sanitize Qt itself.

Read more…



Qt Widgets and More – Latest release

Communicating between a view/delegate and a model Sometimes a view would like to have more data for a cell than what is in a cell…

Watch the video here…


Events to close the year

Qt Desktop Days – final insights

See the last talk, from KDE, and the Q&A session with Kalle Dalheimer and Giuseppe D’Angelo (KDAB), Harri Porten (Froglogic), and Thiago Macieira (Intel).playlist.

ESE Kongress, Sindelfingen, Nov 30 – Dec 4

KDAB’s Anton Kreuzkamp presented ‘Kann das nicht der Compiler machen? – Maßgeschneidertes Code-Refactoring mit Clang-Tooling’.

C++ and System Software Summit, Shenzhen, Dec 4 – 5

This was a hybrid event, with speakers and attendees from China supplemented by speakers on screen from other parts of the world. Bjarne Stroustrup gave a keynote on ‘C++20 and the continuous evolution of C++’ and KDAB’s Ivan Čukić presented a talk on ‘How to design an elegant API without sacrificing performance’.

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